Medicare Children Schedule (Bulkbill for eligible kids)

Medicare Children's Benefit Schedule (CDBS)

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (i.e. CDBS) provides access to benefits for basic dental services to children aged 2-17 years. The CDBS has criteria to be eligible, which requires the receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A (FTB-A) or a relevant Australian Government payment. The total benefit entitlement is capped at $1,000 per child over a two-calendar year period. Any remaining balance will not be carried forward at the end of the second year. At Dental Pro we do bulk bill for eligible kids, unless otherwise advised prior to the treatment. We offer a range of services, including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions. Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work.

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Medicare Children Schedule